Wednesday, 20 July 2011

HAHA Funny Gif! ♥

K.... so here is an elf

Now here is Said Elf being spun around....and around.... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around..... and around.........Well u get the point, right?


heyy!!! I'm Currently Taking GIF requests so..... say somethinh you might want to see like a flower that grows or a guy being hit by a meteor or ur name in flashing couler whateves u want so..... Just leave ur request as a comment below or e-mail me at

New Gif! ♥

Hii!!! I made a new GiF!! It TooK Ages!!! its 34 frames!!!! Sorry its in black & white tho... it was too big so they had to take out the couler :P  If its not moving click The GIF for it to show up

Name Gifs!

Here are some GIF's i made of my friends names

Heres one i made of my own name

Heres one i made of my friend Taylor's Name

Heres one of My Friend Brianna's Name

And Heres a Name Gif For My Friend Sage

And.... Finally One of my name THat I Found Olnine (Google Images) 

Does Anyone want me to make a GIF of their name?? Leave Ur name Fav Coulers and say if u want a certain style... such as "Heyyy My name Is Jenna My fav coulers are Pink Blue and purple and i would like flashing Stars & hearts around my name thanks!"    Anyone want a gif? Leave a comment or E-mail ur request at 

Flashing Gif!!

Haha I made this Gif For Me and My Friend Katie ♥

New Gif

This is a Gif i made of me waving!! Lmao m

My First Ever Gif!

I made this gif awhile ago when i Firstlearned  what a GIF was
It was supposed 2 Be a stick man doing jumping jacks... but i forgot to move his legs so now hes a mental case whos convinced he can fly! Lmao

Saturday, 16 July 2011

My First Gif On Da Site!

Well My Friend had a funny picture on facebook... here it is ------------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>

 So I decided to make it a gif so it is flashing!

So.... Heres the \gif Version !!! It;s flashing!!